Thursday 8 December 2011

Challenges of basketball

Basketball has its up and it also has it's downs , That means its not all fun and games when you can get hurt badly. Im not saying this to scare you but.. from experience I realised that you can easily hurt, In my third training session I ran injured my ankle by falling down incorrectly while I was doing a "lay up". The injury resulted in a torn ligament from the ankle

Ye you can easily can get hurt by doing anything so lets not always  focus on the bad side of basketball. Learning drills and plays can be a pain aswell but once you figure everything out, everything will become more fun along the way.Here are some Basketball drill you will encounter

The most thing that helped me throughout my basketball years is going to a street court and just stay there practising alone of with my friend that used to tag along with me.

Thanks for following me through my blogs, Wish you the best of luck.


  1. It can be tricky. I once twisted my ankle in a game of basketball. Hurts just a little bit (sarcastically).

  2. It is true that you can hurt easily especialy the hand or fingers. Anyway keep it up :)
